Abdule Finner is a native of Chicago, Illinois and was raised by his parents and has a younger brother. He is married to his wife Juanita of 30 years, and they have three children Najee, Kree, and Amiri. He is the Senior Pastor of Siloam Baptist Church of Chicago, Illinois where he has served since May 2012. He is a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor where he currently works with adolescents age 14 to 19yrs old. He is a Marriage Counselor, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Mentor and Spiritual Advisor. Pastor Finner's mission is to promote and encourage Men and married couples to view life from a positive perspective even in adversity. Aiding them in transforming their minds and relationships with each other. While helping and building up broken Men to be the Fathers, Brothers, and Leaders they were created to become utilizing their gifts and talents. Pastor Finner’s mission is to help 1000 men navigate life in a way that they will be in position to succeed and overcome childhood challenges and hindrances this year.